Murió de tuberculosis el 30 de septiembre de 1897, a la edad de 24 años, y fue canonizada en 1925. “Like the disciples in the Gospel. Para más detalles y comentarios se puede contactarlo al:,, It natural for children to walk innocently, even in dangerous places with fear of anything. James 2: 14 – 18 Nuestro mundo de hoy en día está marcado por todo tipo de violencia, victimizaciones, codicia, corrupción etcétera.

Él permitirá que su paz permanezca con nosotros si permanecemos con él en oraciones. Una parte bien importante de la hospitalidad es prestar atención a las personas.            1 Corinthians 2:1-5;              Jesus knows very well that this is what our world needs most. 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 One time I was watching a football match on television. We need to cement our relationship with Christ by sitting close to him as a family, by paying attention to what he has to say to us. In unseen ways, they help us on our earthly pilgrimage by assisting us in work and study. Fueron retratados como los malos y malvados que decidieron derrocar al propietario. Matthew 25.1-13 Por lo tanto, cuando desarrollamos una inocencia similar a la de los niños, que también viene con la confianza de que estamos caminando en la presencia de Dios, y nuestro ángel guardián también camina con nosotros. 7 October 2018 Genesis 2: 18-24 - Hebrews 2: 9-11 - Mark 10: 2-16 Once I worked in a certain African country. Joshua 24:1-2, 15-17, 18 26 November 2017  So, he rightly expects us to be fair and to bear good fruits. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her.” The temptation here is to think that Christ was against Martha or what she was doing. La palabra de Dios es Jesús mismo quien nos habla. Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Filipino Mission Sunday 2019. read complete article » FATHER MODERATOR'S EASTER MESSAGE 2019. read complete article » FATHER MODERATOR'S CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2019. read complete article » FATHER MODERATOR'S EASTER MESSAGE 2018. read complete article » homilies Ascension Sunday. He represents those who are mindful of their neighbors and wounded.

Él está disponible para venir a nuestra ayuda cuando estamos débiles, despreciados y abandonados.

The opening of the... 8 March 2020

There are several seasons during the Liturgical Year: As Christians – followers of Christ through our Baptism – we are called on to make Christ present in our own lives and in the lives of others. Readings for the Paluch Company, Inc.

Deotacius Chikontwe, Fr.

That is what God also expects from us: “Everything that is true, everything that is noble, everything that we love and honor….” Whatever is honorable is respectable.

Nuestra primera lectura es una alegoría conocida como “la canción de la viña.” En esta lectura, Dios recuenta su amor y ternura para nosotros. This article is a response to that interview. In today’s gospel, Jesus equips us with the message we must bring to our world: “Peace be with this house.” It is a gift we must offer to our world.

Lecturas: 1ra: Gal 1:6-12; Sal:111; Ev: Lc10:25-37. 33rd Sunday of the Year (A) In a rather remote... 30 September 2018

Three... On Mission Sunday, 22nd October 2017, Archbishop Kieran O'Reilly SMA was invited to be the chief concelebrant for the RTE mass, broadcast live throughout... 29 October 2017

He is a Catholic Priest and a member of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans). Es el Canciller de la Diócesis de Fajardo-Humacao, Puerto Rico; Párroco de la Parroquia la Resurrección del Señor, Canóvanas, y el Superior Mayor la Congregación del Espíritu Santo (Espirítanos), Circunscripción de Puerto Rico y Republica Dominicana. You are invited to submit Catholic Sunday homilies for posting on We have time for social activities, but little, or no time for praying or studying the word of God together. If we have peace, it must affect others positively. ePaluch

Irish Charities Regulator

“I discovered that our presence as SMA in France must be profoundly missionary in nature amidst a land of exhausted Christianity.

are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting the other. In short, they rejected the Gospel. Hoy, mucho de nosotros están tan distraídos con muchas actividades sociales y materiales (incluso en la iglesia y en nuestros hogares) que apenas tenemos tiempo para ninguna reflexión espiritual. Society of African Missions Whatever that is right, conforms to God’s righteousness. Jesús sabe muy bien que es la que nuestro mundo necesita más. It is good for me that I …

These ten homilies, along with much of this introduction, Hoy, Pablo nos exalta a no preocuparnos. When working in Philippines I  met a man who was... 16 September 2018 A veces, lo que las personas necesitan de nosotros no son cosas materiales, pero, nuestra atención. Lecturas: 1ra: Gal 1:13-24; Sal:138; Ev: Lc 10: 38-42. Por lo tanto, alcanzó un alto grado de santidad por llevar a cabo sus deberes diarios con perfecta fidelidad. We hoped that as written texts these homilies would also be useful to those responsible for Sunday Western Chewe, Fr. R. Lord, let your face shine on me.

Therefore, this reading reminds us of God’s generosity and trust.

Instead, we should remain close to God through prayers.

At first her... © Society of African Missions - Designed and Developed by.

Matthew 5: 38–48 Today’s gospel also presents to us another way through which God is close to us. We have displayed unbelief instead of faith, indifference instead of love, and unworthiness instead of holiness.

Isaiah 8.23-9.3 Matthew 25:31-46

Many years ago a rich young Canadian was appointed as a professor in a famous university. Mark 9.30 – 37

Está cerca de nosotros en las escrituras, en los pobres, en los justos, en los piadosos, en los marginados, en los enfermos y en los débiles. 1 Thessalonians 2.7-9,13 Most importantly, it reminds us of God’s expectations from us.

Today is the 27th Sunday of ordinary time, the church reminds us of God’s Great expectation from each of us. Bernard Mulongo, the five newly ordained priests of the Society of African Missions by the Zambian District Superior Fr. Hoy en día, es obvio que muchos cristianos han perdido su prioridad en la vida.

Mark 7:31-37

In order words, through prayers, we must always seek the peace of God. During this Easter season – and mindful of the COVID-19 virus spreading throughout the world – this is an opportunity for every single person on the planet to examine how they live their life, how they interact with others – for good or for bad – and what each of us must do to ensure that we do nothing to bring harm to our world. She lived a very ordinary and simple religious life.

Ignatius Malwa. He chose us as the apple of his eyes (Zach 2, 8).

She was brought up in a model Christian home. Our world today is marked by all sorts of violence, victimization, greed, corruption, etcetera.

Matthew 17:1-9 De manera invisible, nos ayudan en nuestra peregrinación terrenal ayudándonos en el trabajo y el estudio.

Esta lectura, por lo tanto, nos recuerda la generosidad de Dios. This is the ever new response to the Lord’s question: “Whom shall I send?” (ibid.). During this Easter season – and mindful of the COVID-19 virus spreading throughout the world – this is an opportunity for every single person on the planet to examine how they live their life, how they interact with others – for good or for bad – and what each of us must do to ensure that we do nothing to bring harm to our world. Esta breve reflexión fue escrita por el Padre Canice Chukwuemeka Njoku, C.S.Sp. Isaiah 50: 4 – 9

We must be healers of a broken world.

Society of African Missions No debemos decepcionarlo. John 9:1-41 Como un humilde maestro, Él siempre se hace presente a nosotros en cosas y formas sencillas. We must not disappoint him. Hence, they were kicked out because they were evil and did not meet the landlord’s expectations. So, as we honor our guardian angels today, let us ask God to help us develop a child-like trust and innocence so that our guardian angel may continue to accompany and protect us. He is close to us in the scriptures, in the poor, in the just, in the pious, in the marginalized, in the sick, and the weak.

The Catholic Church’s Catechism assures us and states that “the existence of the spiritual, non-corporeal beings that Sacred Scripture usually calls ‘angels’ is a truth of faith (328).”, So, from our birth until our death, man is surrounded by the protection and intercession of angels, particularly our guardian angel: “Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him to life (336).”.

 As a young lad, I used to... Sunday 2 February 2020 Por lo tanto, como San Francisco de Asís, oremos al Señor: “Hazme un instrumento de tu paz, donde haya odio, lleve yo tu amor; donde haya injuria, tu perdón; donde haya duda, fe en ti; donde haya desesperación, la esperanza; donde haya tinieblas, la luz; y donde haya tristeza, la alegría.”.

It equally reminds us of His patience and justice. Esto es porque nos hemos mostrado soberbio de corazón en lugar de arrepentirse; incredulidad en lugar de fe; indiferencia en lugar de amor; e impiedad en lugar de santidad. Wisdom 6.12-16

This is the truth of our faith.

A certain young man was in love with a young woman. Ephesians 5:21-32 Proverbs:31:10-13,19-20,30-31 Por eso, el tiene el derecho de tener una gran expectativa de nosotros. In today’s gospel, Christ highlighted this role of the guardian angels: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father.”. 12-16; 2da: Fil 4, 6-9; Ev: Mt 21: 33-43. She died of tuberculosis on September 30, 1897, at the age of 24, and was canonized in 1925. Readings: 1st: Gal 1:6-12; Ps: 111; Gos: Lk 10:15-37.

Por lo tanto, no debemos rechazarlo ni traicionarle como lo hicieron los primeros sirvientes.

Once I was flying to Nigeria via London Heathrow. The OCDI Caritas Sokodé is the organ that materializes this mission of the Church in the diocese of Sokodé.

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