Figures A and B, a matched pair of light and electron micrographs of serial cross sections taken through the monkey scalp, portray the microanatomy of thin skin. e. Root, 7. The Basal Cells are mitotically active as well. Their round, euchromatic nuclei possess prominent nucleoli; both of these features of nuclear structure indicate that basal cells are active in the Transcription of messenger RNA. The Respiratory System The pink colour of skin is mainly due to the blood seen in venules of this plexus.

Many of the important functions of skin are carried out not only by the Dermis and Epidermis, as described earlier in this chapter, but also by highly specific skin structures collectively known as epidermal derivatives. The protective function of the skin resides in the physical properties of the flattened, horny cells, or Squames, that cover its surface. What type of glands are the ceruminous glands? c. Hypodermis

This strategy is used as a response to cold as a way of conserving heat. e. Meissner's corpuscle, 10. Of all the skin covering the body, none is tougher or thicker than that covering the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. The Oral Cavity Plate 9-2Plate 9-2, Figures A and B.

During routine histologic preparations the cell membranes shrink except near the desmosomes which appear as spines.

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c. Melanocyte The Stratum Corneum, here composed of 10 to 12 layers of flattened, keratinized scales, is distinct and easy to recognize. In our, The Most Misspelled Word In The English Langauge, Thick Skin - Histology learn by taking a quiz, Online quiz to learn Thick Skin - Histology. During secretion, whole cells filled with lipid are released by Holocrine Secretion from a short duct that opens at the base of the hair. 3. The basal layers of this epithelium are folded to form dermal papillae. d. Lips The function is to synthesize melanin pigment which protects the skin from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. 321 Church St SE Over the knee b. | CHAPTER 7. Skin varies markedly over different parts of the body. The Circulatory System Apocrine glands release their secretion onto the skin surface at the base of the hair shaft. It consists of 4 to 6 rows of cells. The Dermis, on which it rests, is a highly vascular bed of connective tissue that is subdivided into several regions.

It is important for sensation, protection and thermoregulation. | CHAPTER 4. Matched pair of light and electron micrographs of serial thick and thin sections taken through the scalp of the squirrel monkey.

There are also sweat glands, and hairs, which have sebaceous glands, and a smooth muscle called the arrector pili muscle, associated with them. Which of the following is composed of loose connective tissue? Consequently, the hair serves as a carrier for Apocrine secretions, which are thought to contain, among other things, pheromones. The Female Reproductive System. What are the layers present in thin skin? In the scalp at right, for example, the Epidermis (E) measures 25 Â µm at its thickest point. | CHAPTER 19. Cells These cells are periodically shed from the surface of the skin. This is an H&E section of thick skin. The Urinary System As mitotic activity occurs, daughter cells migrate upward into the next layer, the Stratum Spinosum (SS).

The epidermis is important for the protective function of skin.

Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development

Four layers from deep to superficial- stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum. Consult a textbook for illustrations (e.g., pp. Over the knee Which cell is it supposedly stimulating? The hypodermis. What are the types of cells present in epidermis? What are the layers present in thin skin? In addition, the skin is generously supplied with sensory receptors such as pacinian corpuscles, Meissner's corpuscles, and Merkel's cells, all of which serve important and specific mechanoreceptive functions. It contains nerves, the blood supply, fibroblasts, etc, as … Log in. In thin skin, the layers of the Epidermiscan be difficult to distinguish from one another. Why is third layer given the name stratum granulosum? Human beings are made mostly of water and, being warm-blooded creatures, must operate at a relatively constant body temperature. Although their Cytoplasm contains tonofilaments and Keratohyalin Granules, these are not as conspicuous as in thick skin. Except the thickness and the absence of stratum lucidum the rest of the features are same as in thick skin, Hair, sebaceous glands, arrector pili muscle, sweat glands, The papillary layer indents the base of the epidermis to form the dermal papillae, Sebaceous glands are exocrine and holocrine glands with aggregates of clear cells connected to duct opening into hair follicle, It secretes oily or wax material to lubricate and water proof the skin, The whole is cell is destroyed during the secretion which is poured into the lumen, Arrector pili muscles are smooth muscles aligned at oblique angle from papillary layer of dermis to the hair follicle, Contraction of the muscle moves hair shaft into vertical position. Skin has many functions, one of which is protecting the underlying soft, wet tissues from abrasion and dehydration. Thin skin contains four types of cellular layers, and thick skin contains five.

The duct of the Apocrine gland at right consists of large, cuboidal cells, rich in lipid droplets, that have a brush border. d. Stratum lucidum The toughness and thickness of palmar and plantar skin makes its inclusion in a single thin section for electron-microscopic investigation difficult. 1,000 X, CHAPTER 14. Questions or comments should be sent, T. Clark Brelje, Ph.D. These keratinized plates, called Squames, are periodically lost from the surface and replaced by mitotic activity of cells in deeper layers. c. Endocrine gland CHAPTER 1. To maintain its elasticity and water-repellant properties, it must be constantly coated with oily secretions. The outer layers of skin are towards the top.

Daughter cells produced within the Stratum Germinativum move upward through the Epidermis, undergo the process of keratinization, and take up residence in the stratum corneum as surface Squames.

e. All of the above, 3. Of all the skin covering the body, none is tougher or thicker than that covering the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

b. Stratum spinosum

There are three main layers: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. b. Reticular layer of dermis

Here, a small bundle of unmyelinated nerves (N) is evident. b. Histiocyte

Beneath the Stratum Spinosum lies the deepest region of the Epidermis, the Stratum Germinativum. Thick Skin. Connective Tissue Sign up.

You should notice that the dermis extends up into the epidermis in structures called dermal papillae.
This specimen has a distinctive stratum lucidum. Which layer of the epidermis has cells which have keratohyaline granules? Made of loose connective tissue, the papillary layer in thick skin is thrown into conspicuous folds called dermal papillae and is responsible for the ridges that make fingerprints. There is a printable worksheet available for download here so you can take the quiz with pen and paper. These regions are constantly exposed to wear, tear and abrasion. Branches from the arteries pass upwards to form a deep and a superficial plexus.


Copyright (c) Histology-World and its licensors.

To answer this question, we must look to the carefully designed architecture of the skin and its many integumentary derivatives. This is the connective tissue layer of skin.
B, Basement Membrane; CF, Collagen fibrils; D, Dermis; E, Epidermis; F, Fibroblast; N, small nerve bundle; SC, Stratum Corneum; SG, stratum germinativurn; SGr, Stratum Granulosum; SS, Stratum Spinosum; arrow, desmosomes in stratum spinosum. When their Cytoplasm contains a noticeable number of dark, electron-dense Keratohyalin Granules, the cells form a layer known as the granular layer, or Stratum Granulosum (SGr).

42-43 in Histology for Pathologists, Sternberg, 1998; newer edition: Mills, Histology for Pathologists, 3rd ed., 2007). Skin The Basal Cells-the cells of the stratum germinativurn (SG) - are large, isodiametric cells that rest upon the finely fibrillar Basement Membrane (B). This diagram shows the layers found in skin. Is there any difference in the structure between thick and thin skin? | CHAPTER 12. Thick Skin. d. Krause's end bulbs This cluster of structures is embedded in the feltwork of Collagenous Fibers (CF) and elastic fibers, which are woven together to form the connective tissue that gives strength and substance to the Dermis. d. Merkel cell b. Eponychium All of the components of skin contribute to this variation. University of Minnesota Continuous addition of new cornified cells to the base of the hair shaft pushes the hair outward through the surface of the skin. c. Pacinian corpuscles b. Ruffini's corpuscles The adipose tissue has metabolic functions: it is resonsible for production of vitamin D, and triglycerides.

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