About in which it's going to display the content of about component on click.

All data will be passed to component through standard props. First of all, all route params will be automatically passed as props … , , ,

Building Reactive UIs with LiveData and SavedStateHandle (or equivalent approaches), Use System.IO.Pipelines and System.Threading.Channels APIs to Boost Performance, Managing Kubernetes Secrets Securely with GitOps, Glorious Makefile: Building Your Static Website. No problem — it turns out they actually receive the same props as the child component itself.

// provided and exceeded. There are few ways to do it. Combining Vue's async component feature and webpack's code splitting feature , it's trivially easy to lazy-load route components. How to pass props to the loading and error components to make them more reusable. This is especially useful when developing a component that's intended to be used by others. I am using Vue-cli with vue-router installed, inside my App.vue I've got About in which it's going to display the content of about component on click.

All data will be passed to component through standard props. First of all, all route params will be automatically passed as props … , , ,